Japanese Knotweed, a local and potent source of Resveratrol, is a powerful anti microbial and anti inflammatory supplement. It can help ease arthritis pain and swelling associated with inflammation; help ease Lyme symptoms; promote well-being after holiday excesses; and so much more.
A typical adult dosage is a half to full dropperful (20-40 drops) per day. A one ounce bottle contains about 29-30 dropperfuls, which is typically a one to two month supply. Thus, if a one ounce bottle sells for $20, the cost of taking a daily dose is about 34-69 cents per day (online prices have shipping included in costs too). Some sensitive and/or smaller folks only need a quarter dropperful a day to experience benefits.
When fighting infections (such as Lyme), a health care provider may prescribe a higher dosage.
I’ve personally had great success with stopping the onset of a cold or flu by taking two dropperfuls of the Japanese Knotweed tincture every two hours for a half day or so.
Please visit our home page to purchase Japanese Knotweed Tincutre online, or for a list of local shops who carry this locally produced and healing antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicinal supplement.
Thank you, and be well!!