Ingredients: Old-growth, wild-harvested Japanese Knotweed rhizomes; grain alcohol, Vermont spring water.
Suggested dosage: 20-40 drops (a half to full dropperful), 1-3 times per day. A one ounce bottle contains about 29-30 dropperfuls, thus if taking 35-40 drops (one dropperful) per day, a one ounce bottle will last about one month. Read more.
Wild-harvested, fresh-processed Japanese Knotweed Tincture is made in small batches, using nutrient-dense, old-growth rhizomes from a select and pristine location in the heart of the Green Mountains of Vermont. This tincture is a potent source of RESVERATROL, the “anti-aging” supplement. Each rhizome is hand-selected for size and health, and the deep orange flesh is hand-shaved and processed with healing intent, and a whole lot of love. The resulting tincture is very potent and half of your prescribed dosage may be sufficient.
Japanese Knotweed (or Hu Zhang, or ploygonum cuspidatum) is often used in the holistic treatment of Lyme disease. It has been used for thousands of years to promote health and vitality. Serendipitously, as Vermont’s population ages and as Lyme disease becomes more prevalent, nature has provided help in the form of the Japanese Knotweed that has become prevalent in the landscape in our region.
Japanese Knotweed tincture is an anti-inflammatory and powerful anti-microbial (anti-viral/fungal/bacterial/spirochetal) that is used to:
- help fight bacterial/viral/fungal infections
- ease Lyme symptoms
- reduce arthritis pain and swelling
- promote cardiovascular health
- promote cognitive health
- increase blood flow, especially to heart, joints, eyes, skin
- and more…
The bark and deep orange fiber from local, wild-harvested, old-growth Japanese Knotweed rhizomes (a potent source of resveratrol) is hand-shaved and chopped into fine pieces. Extraction methods follow Stephen Buhner, author of Healing Lyme, and Steven Martyn/ The Sacred Gardener protocols and processes to maximize the medicinal potency of this tincture, which is made in small batches, using 80-100 proof grain alcohol and pure Vermont spring water.
**Note: As old-growth rhizomes are processed fresh and especially nutrient-dense, half of your prescribed dosage may be sufficient. ** Also note: Great care is taken in selecting a pristine location (on the edge of pastures that have been organically-managed for decades, far from roads, industrial agriculture, or industry); timing of harvest; along with careful selection of beautiful, healthy, powerful, large, old-growth rhizomes. The healing power of this plant is especially palpable when harvesting and processing. This work is accomplished with gratitude and a vast and humble appreciation for the wisdom of nature. Read more here.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consult your healthcare provider before taking this product. Do not take if pregnant or nursing or if taking blood thinners.